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Expectations at All Points Camps

The All Points Camping Club of NZ is a family-friendly inclusive organisation and all of those attending Club camps are expected to behave in a way that reflects these values.

We ask those attending All Points camps to be respectful of other campers and the facilities they are using.


In particular, we ask that you:

  • don’t arrive at the camp before the advertised time (unless this is pre-arranged)

  • adhere to New Zealand laws and any local bylaws

  • follow the rules of the venue (such as those about hazards,dogs or smoking)

  • be respectful of your neighbours. Avoid using bad language, being noisy, playing music loudly or behaving inappropriately. Violent behaviour, either verbal or physical, will not be tolerated

  • keep facilities clean and tidy and report any damage

  • only empty black waste or toilet cassettes at identified dump stations

  • clean your site before you leave. Dispose of rubbish in bins provided or take it with you.

Animals at events

The following rules apply to ALL dogs at ALL events. Owners must always:

  • ensure their dogs are on a leash and under control at all times

  • clean up after their dog

  • ensure their dog is not causing a nuisance at any time.


The Club has similar expectations for other animals (eg, cats) at events.

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