The All Points Camping Club of NZ
New Zealand's inclusive national camping club
Run by Campers for Campers
Check out our Online Club Shop

Contact us to find out more
By email: info@allpointscamping.org
By phone: 022 328 0973
Send mail to: 32 Kennedy Avenue
Feilding 4702, NZ
As a member of All Points Camping NZ you are adding your voice to help bring balance back into the NZ camping industry.
It's about family and friendship.
It's about fairness.
It's about value and inclusiveness.
It's about the future of camping in NZ.
Join with us and help us to bring events and opportunities to grass roots campers.
Who's who in All Points Camping
The All Points Camping Club of New Zealand has a national committee and a network of regional representatives.
The 2024/25 Executive Committee are:
Club President: Wayne Ravelich e: president@allpointscampingnz.org
ph: 022 328 0973
Vice President: Margaret Earle e: vp@apcnz.org
Secretary: Angela Bryan e: secretary@allpointscampingnz.org
Treasurer: Rhonda Marshall e: treasurer@allpointscampingnz.org
Past President: Gary Stoneley
e: info@allpointscampingnz.org
The 2024/25 General Committee are:
Vicky Holden
Jo Ravelich
Christine Batt
Helen Garthwaite
Martin Ireland
Trevor McIntyre
Miriam Richardson (Editor, Camping the Kiwi Way magazine)
Our regional representatives
All Points Camping - New Zealand's inclusive, national camping club