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Latest News
27 February 2025

Join us for a camp

Pack up your tent or camping vehicle and come and join us for a camp.


​We have three camps in the North Island during March.​

  • In the first weekend in March we are camping at Eketahuna Motor Camp in the Tararua District. 

  • The following weekend there is a camp at Miranda Holiday Park just south of Auckland

  • The same weekend we  have a family-friendly weekend organised at the Dannevirke Holiday Park in the Wairarapa

You can also camp with us to enjoy the Kimbolton Sculpture Festival in the first weekend of April.


Over Easter we will be camping at Patea Beach in Taranaki.  There will be fun activities for kids of all ages.

For ANZAC weekend there will be a camp near Katikati in the Bay of Plenty.

In the South Island during March we have a 3-week Camping Train around the top of the South.  You can choose when to join and leave the train. It will start at Conway Flat in Canterbury on 5 March and join up with these Club events.


A camp is also being held at Mavora Lakes in Southland on the weekend of 21-24 March.


More camps North and South Island camps are planned for the autumn and winter months. 

Everyone is welcome to join us at these events. Please RSVP in advance on the relevant web page so we know how many will be there.

Our camps are a great opportunity to stay at new camping locations and to meet others with a passion for camping. If you haven’t had much experience with camping, they are also a supportive way to learn among friends.

Visit our Stop and Stay locations


All Points Camping’s network of Stop and Stay properties is growing rapidly. These properties have been recommended by All Points members. They include locations where you can camp on private property, Department of Conservation land, local authority sites and commercial campgrounds.


Most commercial campgrounds listed on the Stop and Stay website offer a discount for All Points members or have low cost camping available. Remember to show your membership card to get your discount. The Stop and Stay web pages have a comprehensive key providing details about each property and its features.


Our Stop and Stay Facebook page regularly highlights one of the Stop and Stay properties. 


If you have a favourite camping spot that is not already listed, go to the Stop and Stay webpage and fill in the online form


The best way to support our Stop and Stay properties is to share them with other campers. 

Join    APCNZ               Start saving while helping us to build                                        Now                                  an inclusive NZ Camping Network

$35.00 annual membership 
including national savings
with major retailers

Copyright 2020, All Points Camping Club of NZ Inc.                    Ph or text 022 328 0973                    email.

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